How to Keep Your Best Friend From Getting a Girlfriend

How to Keep Your Best Friend From Getting a Girlfriend

How good is female friendship? There's nothing purer in this globe than having a kindred spirit to laugh with, cry with, and eat cheesy chips on the way home from the pub with.

Which is why when your best friend gets a fellow, it can sometimes feel like your whole world is crashing downwardly. Every bit she gets lost in the excitement of new love, it's easy to exist left feeling abandoned and lonely. Not to mention the fear that you'll have lost her forever to some guy she met in McDonald's at 4 am...

Sound familiar? If y'all're going through this very aforementioned matter with your friend right now, know that y'all're not solitary and there are ways to cope. Here, relationship experts, psychologists and those who've been there earlier, offer communication on how to bargain.

Allow her take the 'honeymoon' phase

The commencement few infatuated months are undeniably the hardest. Just remember, the love potion effect won't last forever, then try to indulge your friend in the early stages and not take her abandonment to heart just yet.

"Remember what it's like in the outset flush of beloved and try to give your friend the natural space to enjoy her new partner and to go to know him, support your friend, ask her questions about him, even if you lot're already bored of it", says Lottie Daley, Author & Broadcast Journalist.

Meet him and make friends

The longer you wait to run across him, the more you'll dwell and become envious of this person y'all go along hearing about but have never actually met.

"Introducing friends early on is better than later and can aid ease tension and apprehension", says Fiona Lamb, clinical hypnotherapist.

Don't push your friend to do anything before she's ready, just there's no harm in request when you get to come across the lucky guy.

Be wary of badmouthing

If yous're feeling resentful towards your friend'due south new human relationship, it can be tempting to egg her on when she confides in y'all most a fight they had or a less than desirable trait he possesses.

But if nosotros've learnt anything from by experiences, information technology's to mind simply refrain from whatsoever type of insult or negative commentary.

"In the consequence of a break-up or fight, resist jumping in and defaming his grapheme and giving him both barrels", says Carol Ann Rice, Life Coach. "Quite oft relationships can get-go up again and that volition leave you on the outs - particularly if it becomes serious and long term."

Be there for her, offering neutral communication, but beware that anything you say can and will be used against you in courtroom.

Put your energy into something new and exciting

If your friend is leaving a serious void, fill up information technology with distractions. Use the time to reassess your own life, and the goals you desire to achieve. If her abandonment is making you upset and envious, it may be considering there are areas of your own life that you're unhappy with.

"Information technology will have a while to adapt [to her absense] so give yourself time and find other opportunities to make new friends and develop new hobbies like enrolling in fitness or self-development classes. Put your energy into something new", says Human relationship Expert, Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart.

"A actually of import skill to learn in relationships is having more than than one person that you lot can rely on and to have hobbies and activities that you enjoy with a range of people so that you are never too dependent on one person," says relationship expert & Love Coach Kate Mansfield.

This doesn't hateful you're forgetting your friend, merely if she'south choosing to put her relationship get-go, why not put yourself commencement?

It'll besides requite you lot enough to talk about when you exercise take hold of upwards and the conversation won't seem equally though it's all about her and her new boyfriend.

Plan time together

When your friend gets a boyfriend, the biggest aligning will be the fact that she's no longer 'free' all the fourth dimension and available at the drib of a hat. The spontaneous hang-outs and drinks on a Friday dark volition become rare, but it doesn't hateful you lot tin't still hang out.

"You might not come across each other as oft every bit before, but as long equally you lot make the attempt to program time together, your friendship will survive", says Susan Hepburn an experienced, accredited hypnotherapist and psychotherapist to the stars.

Put dinner dates in the diary, and stick to them. And then if she does cull Netflix 'n' chill over meeting you at the pub one nighttime, you won't be as upset because y'all know you'll see her soon.

"Remember that information technology'southward the quality and not the length of time you lot spend with your friend that matters."

Try enabling a 'no phones at the dinner table' rule when you do catch up so that yous tin can have proper fourth dimension together (and she won't exist tempted to text the bf).

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Don't bottle upward your feelings

If information technology gets to a bespeak where all of the above just isn't working, you may need to broach the topic with her. Preferably face to confront, because tone never translates over text.

Merely tell her how you feel and why, and suggest a solution to the trouble. Whether information technology's scheduling in a fortnightly dinner or planning a girl'due south weekend abroad together. Chances are she'll be oblivious to the way she's been treating you lot and try to rectify it.

Don't wait until you lot're so angry that it bursts out – that's when miscommunication volition happen.

Remember, guys will come and go, but friendship is forever and sometimes information technology's worth fighting for.

How to Keep Your Best Friend From Getting a Girlfriend

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